April 28, 2022

Pulkit Chaudhary



With the advancement of technology in last few decades, the businesses have  reached levels which no one could have thought of. In order to reduce the burden  of personnel on the miscellaneous tasks such as sending automated  emails/calls, bot chats etc. the businesses are now switching to and are  deploying AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning). In order to carry  out these tasks, an enormous volume is data is processed which includes the  personal data of the data subjects. 

The world of data, data protection and compliance offer a bundle of rights to the  data subjects whose data is collected and processed by the companies for  betterment of the services they offer to data subjects with the ultimate motive of  earing huge profits. This can range from improving the product, services, market  analysis and surveys to sale and purchase of the data as data brokers or  information brokers (organizations/individuals who are specialized in collecting  and circulating the data for processing). 

In order to deal with such a situation and retention of some control to the data  by the data subjects, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation  (hereinafter as “GDPR”) came up with the provisions providing substantial  protection to the rights of the data subjects against the unauthorized and  unlawful use of their personal data which is now has become the benchmark  and grundnorm for many data protection legislations around the globe.  

Some of the rights of data subjects as stated above are as follows:

? Right to access information (Article 15 of GDPR) This right enables that  data subject to access the personal information provided by her to the data  controller for the purpose of processing. 

? Right to rectification of the information (Article 16 of GDPR): This  right enables the data subject to get her information corrected/rectified if  incorrectly provider by data subject or incorrectly recorded by the data  controller. 

? Right to restrict processing (Article 18 of GDPR): The data subject can  also restrict the processing of her personal data in exceptional  circumstances such as mentioned below: 

i) Where there is unauthorized use of the data collected i.e., other than  the purpose for which it was initially collected. 

ii) Where the data processed is the inaccurate data  

iii)Where the data is being processed after fulfilment of the purpose for  which it was collected. 

? Right to be informed (Article 12 of GDPR): The data controllers are  obliged to provide the relevant information to the data subjects as and  when required (for example in case of change of privacy policy/data breach  etc.) or requested by the data subjects (for example-request to know the 

status of complaint made to the DPO). 


This right can also be termed as the “Right to erasure”. The right to be  forgotten emerged for the very first time in a decision by European Court  of Justice in the year 2014. The court observed that the data protection  law of Europe enables the data subjects to question the web search  engines to remove certain personal information relating to the data  subjects. There are some relevant factors under which the right to erasure  can be enforced by the data subjects.

The Right to be forgotten is defined under Article 17 of the GDPR as: 

Right to be forgotten is the most important right available with the data  subject where she can oblige the data controller to erase her personal  data completely which for collected by the data controller for the  purpose of processing. However, this can be exercised in the following  circumstances: 

i) When the data collected by the processor is not required anymore for  the purposes of processing  

ii) Where the erasure personal data is necessary to meet a legal obligation. iii)Where the data has been processed unlawfully. 

iv) Where the data subject objects to the processing of her personal data being used for profiling for the purposes of direct marketing. v) When the processing of the personal data overrides legitimate grounds  and the rights of the data subjects  

vi) Where the data subject withdraws her consent given for one or more  specific purposes of processing within the meaning of Article 6 (1)(a) of  GDPR or where the consent is for one or more explicit and specific  purposes relating to revealing of racial or ethnic origin, political  opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership,  and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of  uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data  concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation is  withdrawn within the meaning of Article 9(1)(a) of GDPR.  


I. Where the data is used for the purpose of exercising right to freedom  of expression and information. (Article 17(3)(1) of GDPR)

II. In the case of legal obligations imposed by the state or the union  law to which the controller or processor is subject to or in the case  if processing activities which are undertaken in the interest of general public or while exercising the official authority vested in the  data controller. 

III. The right to be forgotten cannot be applied to the situation where a  special category of personal data is processed in relation to and for  the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, medical  diagnosis, for the assessment of the working capacity of the  employee the provision of health or social care or treatment or the  management of health or social care systems and services on the  basis of Union or Member State law or pursuant to contract with a  health professional. (Article 9(2)(h) of GDPR) 

IV. Where processing of such personal data is necessary for healthcare  like protection against cross border health threats or  securing/maintaining standards of healthcare products and  medical devices in compliance with the union or state laws  providing for the measures safeguarding right and freedoms of the  data subjects with emphasis on professional secrecy. (Article 9(2)(i)  of GDPR) 

V. For enforcing and defending the legal claims  

VI. For the purposes of scientific or historic research or when such  processing is necessary for public interest. 


During the last few decades, privacy was not an important issue in India. With the evolution of technology and emergence of smart devices, the  amount of personal data which is being processed in order to deal with  competitive markets and for providing better user experience to the data  subjects, the dominance of big tech giants/ government agencies against 

the data subjects and for protection of their rights, the situation called for  recognizing right to privacy as a fundamental right. 

Hence, addressing the issue of Privacy in the case of Justice K.S  Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017) 10 SCC 1, the Supreme Court of  India came up with the observation of recognizing right to privacy as a  fundamental right as part and parcel of right to life and personal liberty  within the meaning of Article 21 enshrined in Part III of the Constitution 

of India. 

It is pertinent to mention here that the Data Protection and Privacy is not  codified as of now but the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 (Now Data  Protection Bill) was referred to Joint Parliamentary Committee and now  after rounds of discussions, the bill can be tabled in the Parliament of  India any time soon, most probably in the Monsoon or Winter Session. 

Therefore, at present, though there is no straight jacket formula for  enforcing right to privacy or right to be forgotten in particular but the same  is enforced via Writ Petitions before the Constitutional Courts of India.  Some of the landmark cases where the different High Courts and Hon’ble  Supreme Court dealt with the right to privacy and also enforced the same,  are as follows: 

1) X v. HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=IQ6K5Z3ZYS0 &  Ors. (Delhi High Court) 

In the aforesaid case, the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi dealt with two  principles of Data Privacy namely data anonymization and right to be  forgotten. 

Facts of the Case 

In this case, the petitioner was approached by a Movie production  house and she was lured into a movie trailer which comprised of 

complete frontal nudity, on promise to give her the lead role. However,  the aforesaid movie project failed and was never produced. The producer of the project after some time uploaded the impugned video on YouTube which was discovered by the petitioner in December,  2020 and aggrieved by this incident, the petitioner approached Hon’ble  Delhi High Court. 



In the present case, it is explicit videos that are being circulated, having  a clear and immediate impact on the reputation of the person seen in  the videos in a state of nudity. 

“Right to privacy includes the right to be forgotten and the right to be left  alone as “inherent aspects”, this Court is also of the opinion that the right  to privacy of the plaintiff is to be protected, especially when it is her  person that is being exhibited, and against her will.” 

2) W.P.(MD). No.12015 of 2021 (Madras High Court) 

Facts of the Case 

In this case, the accused was charged with various offences of Indian  Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) where he was convicted by the trial court and  was eventually acquitted by the Appellate Court on merits. However,  

the petitioner in this instant case was aggrieved by the fact the  although he was acquitted from the aforesaid case even then, if  anybody types his name on Google search is able to access the  judgment wherein his name is displayed as accused is caused damage 

to his reputation. Hence, the petitioner approached Hon’ble Madras  High Court for the adequate relief. 



The Hon’ble High Court in this case observed that, If the essence of this Judgment  [(K.S Putthaswamy (supra)] is applied to the case on hand, obviously even a  person, who was accused of committing an offence and who has been  subsequently acquitted from all charges will be entitled for redacting his name  from the order passed by the Court in order to protect his Right of Privacy. This  Court finds that there is a prima facie case made out by the petitioner and he is  entitled for redacting his name from the Judgment passed by this Court in Crl.A.  (MD).No.321 of 2011" 

The Court also observed that, “It is also informed to this Court that a new  Right called as Right to be Forgotten is sought to be included in the list of Rights  that are already available under Article 21 of the Constitution of India" 


In a very recent development relating to Right to be forgotten under the  Indian Data Protection Regime and Justice Dispensation System, the  Hon’ble Kerala High Court came up with the idea of drafting  Information Management Policy which could resolve the issue masking  parties names in its orders and judgments which can lead to  infringement to the hard -earned reputation and social status of the  parties.


In the present era of digital world, social media and throat cut  competition of businesses including aggressive marketing strategies,  expectations from the Indian Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 (Now  Data Protection Bill) are sky high. Though the general public/ data  subjects may not be much aware of the personal data, its misuses,  compliance requirements or their rights relating to personal data but  the Data Protection Bill of India, hopefully will address every data  protection and privacy issue extensively like the GDPR. Even without  any codified legislation relating to Data Protection and Privacy, the  Indian Courts are brilliantly dealing with much sensitive issues of  Privacy by their pro-active approach towards enforcement of  Fundamental Right to Privacy of the subjects under various  circumstances as discussed above.
